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WELCOME to the Citadel Canine Society “Graduation” page.  On this page, we highlight teams from across Canada that have recently been tested and then certified as PTSD medical service dog teams.  Testing in British Columbia and Alberta is conducted by government-appointed examiners.  Elsewhere within Canada, Citadel Canine’s teams are tested according to standards created by the Canadian Assn. of Service Dog Trainers (CASDT).  CASDT is a federally incorporated organization established solely to provide support and program oversight for Canadian service dog trainers.  It should also be noted here that at the present time no national standards exist for certification testing for Canadian service dog teams.  However, the Human Resource Standards Organization (HRSO), which submits its work to the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), has commenced a program to develop those standards.  Once this process is fully completed, Citadel Canine, along with the other members of CASTD will immediately adopt those approved standards. And now let’s meet some of our recent graduating teams! (click each item for more details)

Member: Canadian Assn. of Service Dog Trainers

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