THANK YOU for taking a moment to consider making a donation to Citadel Canine Society. Citadel Canine is proud to note that unlike many other Canadian service dog providers, our program is managed almost entirely by volunteers. Many of the other service dog providers pay their managers well into five figures, and in some cases over six figure incomes to manage their programs. By comparison, the average annual direct senior management compensation for our program is around $5,000. Of equal importance is the fact that the training and delivery of fully certified PTSD medical service dogs is our sole program focus; it is not a sideline activity. It is also important to note that many of the other PTSD service dog providers publicly quote costs of between $20,000 to $35,000 to produce a single dog. By comparison, Citadel Canine can produce four, or even five fully trained and certified service dog teams for the same amount. All of this means that you as a potential donor can be assured that your funds will receive maximum leverage, and have a maximum impact in support for our veterans and first responders. If you would like more information related to this, please feel free to give us a call at: 604-837-4884. And we sincerely Thank You in advance if you do decide to support our program.
Help make a difference in someone’s life today
Citadel Canine is operated entirely by volunteers, with funding going towards adoption or rescue fees, veterinary charges, boarding expenses, dog transport expenses, dog gear, and highly qualified training expenses.
It costs Citadel Canine between $5000 - $7000 per dog to become a fully certified medical service dog team, and all of those costs are covered through the support and generosity of our donors.
What makes Citadel Canine truly unique is simply that WE CARE, and our organization is built around upholding this core value by:
Pairing our candidates with a dog best suited for their needs
Providing qualified trainers who work at reduced costs to support our program
No high-cost administration or management fees
Following up with the handlers and their dogs to insure both are safe and properly supported